The private club
dedicated to
family business

Join our private club
  • Our founders

  • About the organization

  • Coordinator

Groupe la Relève was founded in 2014 by Chanel Alepin, Edith Arsenault and Alexandre Raymond.

Chanel Alepin is a lawyer at Alepin Gauthier Avocats Inc., a family business founded by her parents, Me François Alepin and Me Brigitte Gauthier, in 1978. A lawyer and entrepreneur, Chanel is the identified successor of Alepin Gauthier together with her brother Maxime Alepin.

Edith Arsenault is president of Landco Import International, founded by her father-in-law 45 years ago, in addition to being president of Boutiques Séduction.

Alexandre Raymond is a partner in the company founded by his father, Raymond Recherche de cadres and is a partner at Associé EMA Partners Montreal.

These three young family entrepreneurs had decided to create a business to provide real support to family businesses. Since 2014, the Group has proven to be indispensable for young talent. Today, Groupe La Relève is made up of close to 100 active members.

In creating this private business club, we aim to bring family business owners together and support them by creating exchanges pertaining to challenges, successes, failures and any other subject that directly or indirectly affects entrepreneurship in a family context.

In short, we aim to provide support and new knowledge through, among other things, networking opportunities, peer counseling, personal coaching and conferences.

Together with our partners we provide support, address key business succession themes, share experiences and advise our members, discuss issues and develop their knowledge.

To reach our coordinator please email:

Tips From Members

    Take your place and dare to bring new ideas!

    Ariane Desharnais, B.A.A. Pl. Fin.

    The next generation is the future, and the future is built by sharing knowledge and supporting each other.

    Anna-Lysa Martinez-Vanasse Sales Director & 3rd Generation

    Communicate openly in order to decide with alignment. Nurture an intergenerational vision to plan with intention. You will lay the foundations of a resilient and proud entrepreneurial family.

    Marc-alexandre Barbe Pl. Fin.

All the advantages

  • Access to renowned speakers and conferences.
  • A personalized coaching package that includes the Nova Profile Test, a report, a debriefing session and coaching.

    One-day training with the École d’Entrepreneurship de Beauce (EEB) and HEC Familles en affaires.

    Access to workshops and trainings to gain a Groupe la Relève certification .
  • Access to our podcast with the possibility of being invited as a guest

    Promotions and family friends discounts with an opportunity to promote your business.

    Supporting the Quebec family businesses community.

    Access to the private wine club: Le Parloir Cave à vin on the 1st Tuesday of each month.

    Gain access to an International network of family businesses.

    Plenty of Networking and Exchange opportunities amongst members.
  • Access to a wide range of experts from human resources to law and taxes.

Become A Member

    Our Partners

    The partners of Groupe La Relève were all selected because they demonstrated, above all, an interest in the members. Through their areas of expertise, they have additional value to bring in terms of entrepreneurship in a family context. In addition, members have privileged access to the services offered by our partners and benefit from special benefits as well.

    Become A Partner

    If you think you can provide value for our members and wish to consider the possibility of being a partner, write to us at the following email:


      Listen to our Groupe la Relève podcast to gain

      precious knowledge about family businesses.


      How It Works

      • There are two components to Groupe La Relève, conferences and training. We invite speakers who deliver inspiring testimonials to members while giving them practical advice. For example, we have received in the past the Molson, Saputo and Germain families. We offer a variety of training thanks to our partners, particularly in taxation, communication, insurance, human resources and leadership. Topics are determined according to the needs of the groups.
      • Multiple times throughout the year, whether that be in person or virtually.
      • Subscription to Groupe la Relève is individual. However, if your brother, sister or cousin is interested in joining the group, we will be happy to register him as well.
      • The areas of activity of the members vary. These include the manufacturing, agriculture, professional, retail, technology, marketing, real estate, distribution and leisure sectors.
      • We operate with a flexible annual membership principle which is open throughout the year. We invite you to contact us for more details:
      • Yes you are eligible! Some members have experienced the business transfer and remain members of Groupe La Relève since they still experience daily challenges within the family business.
      • Even if the activities of Groupe La Relève relate to entrepreneurship, it is impossible to join the group if you are not in a family business. Our meetings are created according to family succession.
      • You can reach us at